Medical supplies reach the ill and injured in Kathmandu

Over the past several days, Buddhist Relief Services volunteers have been able to deliver much-needed help by operating free medical camps. The camps treat those who are suffering from traumatic injuries caused by the earthquake, and are located in those areas of Kathmandu where other relief organizations are not working. Saturday, we were able to facilitate logistics for a team of 60 doctors and nurses who arrived in Kathmandu, bringing two tons of medical supplies with them. The medical personnel then spent two days working at our camps, distributing the supplies directly to patients. Now the camps continue to operate with local doctors and nurses, aided by volunteers from the Trungram International Academy, the monks and nuns of the Trungram Monastic Institute and UTBF Nepal volunteers. We provide hands-on medical care, as well as counseling and hope for those devastated by the earthquake.


Free Medical Camp set up

Medical Camp


Medical Help